Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach

Design Concept for the Regeneration of Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach:

Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach is located on Bamburi in Northern Mombasa, off the Mombasa-Malindi Highway, and was reserved as a public beach for recreation in 1960 under the management of the Mombasa Municipal Council. It covers approximately 3.7 hectares.

The beach and its surroundings are well-utilized by the public, especially during holidays and over the weekends. However, services and facilities provided are not sufficient and should be further improved to enhance its utility.

Jomo Kenyatta Beach can be greatly improved with simple interventions. PLANNING’s proposal is focused on the creation of public spaces that are well-designed, well-defined, inclusive, and usable. Any interventions would be geared towards improving the user experience in what is already a highly utilized and popular beachfront. Access and circulation are improved, and pedestrian movement is enhanced and prioritized.