Capstone Faith

The Capstone Karen masterplan concept draws from a series of design drivers all meant to reflect Capstone’s foundational brief and various Biblical analogies. The masterplan comprises the ministerial buildings, housing, and outdoor landscaped area.

The design of the ministerial buildings consists of three pavilions – forming a triad of sorts. The pavilions are The Sanctuary, The Administrative Building, and The Sunday School Building. They are set in and surrounded by a lush and verdant landscape that rings their positions to create a sense of spiritual tranquil: the place of refuge in a weary land. The three pavilions share a powerful concentric courtyard that unites them – reflecting a three but one triad. It is a functional and powerful space that can serve for various events and functions.

The assembly of buildings is surrounded by two rings of pathways that will be intentionally treed and landscaped to create a comfortable meditative circuit. The aim is to define an interpretive experience that tells the ministry story as congregants and visitors use the space. The very entrance and arrival experience are similarly envisioned to be a powerful one incorporating waterways, gardens, and appropriate drop-offs/pickup points. At the forest edge of the campus are a few residential cottages that will sit within a quiet and forested neighborhood.