Trade & Development Bank

Trade and Development Bank engaged PLANNING to design and implement their Regional Office Headquarters, representative of their Eastern and Southern African commercial presence. The development is designed to be iconic whilst sensitive to its local and regional context, with the building design focused on sustainable principles. The choice of materials were limited to natural color tones reflective of the African Savannah landscape.

Situated in Kilimani Nairobi along Lenana Road, the project consists of a 19-storyed (Ground + 18 floors) Grade A office tower building with provisions for fitting out for office space, meeting and conference facilities, restaurant/retail, rooftop gym and lounge, along with various support amenities. The total development area is 22,948 SM.

The tower is set to the southwest corner of the site, opening the site to a large external plaza with a verdant natural landscape woven into the stepped entry sequence that begins with two separate slip lanes from Lenana Road. This allows for vehicle stacking in the property and minimizing traffic pile-up on the busy Lenana Road.

The commercial office spaces are organized around 3 sky gardens within the tower via a connecting central atrium that runs from ground level across the sky gardens at level three to level eleven. This design provides for natural lighting and ventilation, plus dramatic and serendipitous breakout and social spaces throughout the building.

Three basement levels provide for 250 parking spaces, including water storage tanks for portable, non-portable, and fire safety.