International Committee of the Red Cross

PLANNING was appointed to develop a strategic masterplan for the regional delegation offices of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

PLANNING worked with the client from the onset to establish a full understanding of the organizational short and long-term needs, serving the local delegation as well as international staff coming for specific events; departments, staffing, and visitor requirements. The masterplan sought to provide a long-term home for the resident staff and a place that welcomes the rotational international staff to immediately feel comfortable, engaged, and connected.

Overall, the masterplan resulted in an office complex of low-rise pavilions that merge with the landscape and each other; creating a place that is grounded to its location, drawing its form from the features of the sloping and wooded site, textures that reflect the natural local materials of Kenya, and structures oriented to capitalize on optimal weather of Nairobi via unique private outdoor meeting spaces that extend the office space outdoors. The scale and design language relate to the neighboring residential properties with an area less than the development ratio to allow sensible future expansions if required. Sustainable design strategies are at the forefront of the design requirements to ensure energy efficiency and generation, responsible water and re-use, recycling, and buildings that are naturally lit ventilated. The masterplan proposed a democratic space design approach combined with fluid external circulation throughout the complex connecting the various departments both physically and visually, optimizing connectivity within the delegation and to the landscape.