Kimironko Commercial Complex and Market

PLANNING participated in the urban and architectural design competition aimed at developing a strategic and transformational masterplan for the modernization and expansion of the existing Kimironko transport and market hub. Our proposal, developed in conjunction with ARUP, sought to transform this hub into a contemporary, mixed-use development in line with the goals of the Kigali Urban Master Plan.

We designed Kimironko Hub to promote a new city lifestyle, combining workspaces, service, and leisure with housing and state-of-the-art public transportation. The generous public realm, the backbone of the area, was designed to be an inclusive and attractive public space, to host a wide range of activities. Equal and generous opportunities to enjoy the urban space were considered in the public realm, giving equal chances for boys, girls, young, and old to take part in the everyday urban life and in the community. The masterplan proposed a structure where architectural and landscaping elements were combined in an urban context. Key areas within the masterplan are the Kimironko market, the Transport Hub, the Commercial Centre, Residential/Apartments zone, and their linking public space, creating a compact, varied, and walkable city district.