Kalama Resource Centre

The Kalama Resource Centre is geared towards training of community groups in conservation activities as well provision of hospitality facilities which will be run by the community.

Architecturally, the Campus consists of a variety of building clusters grouped across the site according to their functions. Facilities to be provided include Conferencing & Dining Facilities, Staff Residential & Dining Facilities, and Dormitories & Cottages for Visitor Accommodation, among others. The layout and location of clusters is dictated by existing natural features (with major trees and rock formations being retained) and views towards Mt. Ololokwe being maximised. Vehicular circulation will be organised around existing vehicular tracks on the site, improving these for use in the final development.
The project has been designed to make use of the locally available materials, being inspired by aspects of the local Architecture in Kalama, which responds to the extremely hot weather conditions. To this end, the design employs thatched roofs and masonry walling built using locally available stones rendered in earth colours.